Blaðamannafundur AGS 1. apríl

 Hér er fjallað um Ísland:

 So with that, let’s move to the questions, and could I please ask that you identify yourselves and your affiliation.

QUESTIONER: Do you have any update on Iceland, please? I believe that there is a Letter of Intent that’s been sent to the IMF, and a portion of it includes what the government plans on IceSave. Can you give us any details, please?

MR. RICE: Yes, there was a request from the Iceland authorities to the Managing Director to take forward the second review for consideration by the Board. And I can tell you that the Managing Director has instructed staff to work with the authorities towards this end. And, you know, we’re expecting that to be forthcoming in the coming days.

 Hvernig getur maður skilið þetta, ætlar íslenska ríkisstjórnin að setja Icesave inn í næstu viljayfirlýsingu(letter og intent). Hvað er í gangi?


Síðan læt ég meira fylgja til fróðleiks.

QUESTIONER: So are you talking about the review that is going to take place in the next coming days?

MR. RICE: Yes, the Managing Director has instructed staff to work with the authorities to bring forward the review for consideration.

QUESTIONER: So does that mean that there’s a mission going to Iceland?

MR. RICE: I have nothing for you on the mission in particular, but we do expect that this issue will be taken up by the Board for the second review.

QUESTIONER: There’s been some conflicting views between the way that the Managing Director talks and the action of the government. Is there a majority in the Board for this review? So will it be on the agenda soon?

MR. RICE: In terms of how we work with Iceland--and with any other member country for that matter -it’s ultimately up to the Board to approve a review and for that the Board needs to determine that the program is on track and can be fully financed. And what I can tell you is that the staff’s preliminary judgment is that these conditions are met and, of course, our Executive Board will have to share that judgment, and I think that’s exactly what the Managing Director has been saying.

QUESTIONER: So you do think that the Board will share that judgment?

MR. RICE: Well, as I said, the staff’s preliminary judgment is that these conditions are met, and, of course, our Executive Board will have to share that judgment.

QUESTIONER: Have the Dutch and the British been in some way delaying this process?

MR. RICE: I don’t have anything further for you on the views of the Dutch and the British, but, you know, as I said, we expect this to be under consideration by the Board.

QUESTIONER: Do you have a date for the Board meeting?

MR. RICE: I don’t have a date for you.

QUESTIONER: You said that the conditions, including that the program is fully financed, which means that the Nordic countries that have given money towards that have obviously agreed that they ought to provide the financing for this?

MR. RICE: Again, I can only repeat that the staff’s preliminary judgment is that the conditions are met, and our Board will have to share that judgment for it to go forward.


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